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Scribble - dusk

Started: August 2024

Multiplayer game developed with Dusk during the Dusk 1st Jam (ranked 1st).
Choose a word and made other players guess it by only using your drawing skills.
The game is playable on the dusk app.

Lasertank 4

Started: September 2016

Fourth porting of my Lasertank game.
The goal here was to use composition over inheritance in pure Javascript.

Colory Age

Started: June 2013

RPG game with color theme.
I was in charge of the frontend development.

Lasertank Java

Started: December 2008

Second version of my Lasertank game made using Java.
The first version was developed on my Texas Instruments 89 calculator using the TI-Basic language.
Lasertank is a puzzle game where you have to reach the end of the level using your little army tank firing lasers that can move blocks.