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3 posts tagged with "Frameworks"

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What front-end framework should you choose ?

· 22 min read
Tony Cabaye
Tony Cabaye
Frontend expert

This article serves as a follow-up to my previous article on front-end architecture, which can be found here. While it's not necessary to have read the previous article before reading this one, if you're looking to make the best choice for selecting your frontend framework, it would be beneficial to take a look.

In this article, our main focus will be on effectively comparing different frameworks by examining various data, statistics, surveys, and more.

How to choose the right front-end architecture?

· 18 min read
Tony Cabaye
Tony Cabaye
Frontend expert

Choosing the right frontend framework can indeed be challenging, especially in a rapidly evolving landscape.

The purpose of this article is to assist you in selecting the appropriate architecture by providing an overview of the evolution of frontend frameworks.